For best performance, don't forget to lower the resolution for the video coming to your TV, because by default it's in a large HD resolution (this is important to remember!). Beefier Chromebooks could possibly handle up to PlayStation 2, Dreamcast, GameCube, and Sega Saturn. In terms of speed, I would say a standard Chromebook can handle from NES up to PlayStation 1, N64, NDS, and PSP. If you want a visual organization for all of your emulators and ROMs (like how games are selected on the SNES Mini), you could install the Dig Front-End. You could install RetroArch, giving you the ability to emulate any video game system. That means all of Android's video game emulators are available to you. What's awesome about newer Chromebooks is that they added support for Android apps from the Play Store. The trade-off for this performance on the cheap is due to having a watered-down OS that only runs Google Chrome. They don't heat up like a normal laptop so you can keep them on your bed and not worry about heat buildup. Chromebooks are cheap $200-400 US laptops that perform as good as premium Windows/Mac laptops. On the subject of laptops, I highly recommend Chromebooks. Other laptops already come with an HDMI port, so you'd need a normal HDMI cable. Newer laptops use USB 3.0, so you'd need to purchase a USB 3.0-to-HDMI cable. Output connection types for connecting a laptop to a TV vary. Or a normal length HDMI cable along with a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse. You only need a long HDMI cable for this (probably 10-25 feet). I think this is the easiest option - simply connecting a laptop to your TV to play ROMs. Check out my emulation help site: Video Game Emulation for Newbies.

If you're completely new to this, I have written other articles that introduce emulation and explain what it is. This article was written for people who know what video game emulation is and have used emulators before. I'd like to review with you all the different ways I know of to play ROMs on your TV :) But yet, have you tried a more authentic experience and played ROMs on your TV? There are many ways to accomplish this with such solutions as using computers, minicomputers, set-top boxes, and other devices.

You may have even played ROMs on your phone. We've all played video game ROMs on a computer at some point.